Thursday, September 6, 2012

日本"Grandma" (July visit)

It has been awhile since I updated this blog, so I'm going to back-track over July & August (I can't believe it is already September and the summer is over!! That went by sooo fast!!)
In July, Ryuta was able to take an extra 2 more weeks off in between jobs.  After 6 years at Canon (Anelva), Ryuta has finally moved on to bigger and better!  He interviewed for a position at a different company that made him an interesting-enough-offer and he accepted.  Ryuta still keeps in touch with his old colleagues and had made some great friends over the years through his work.  Luckily, his new job is close enough that he can meet up with old work associates for lunch.  I've been praying that is new position will satisfy Ryuta, that he can learn new things, meet some great people, and would be a perfect fit for our family.  So far, I haven't heard any complaints (although I look forward to when he can get home at a decent hour, but he needs to establish himself first.)
Ryuta called his mom when he had put in his 2 weeks notice and established his start date to see if she wanted to come out for a visit while he had the time off.  She came for 2 weeks and got some quality time with her grandsons.

Lukasはじめて会った (First time meeting Lukas)

"Best Buddies"

In the "box house" Grandma といっしょうに楽しかった!!
@ Santana Row
San Jose Obon Matsuri 日本町のおぼんまつり
Kai was not so appreciative of Daddy's prize. Oh well. We'll give it to Lukas!!
Thank you for visiting us! Such special memories :)
Kai was in hog heaven having another grandma around.  He just LOVED having his grandma from "Nihon" here to play with all day long.  He really enjoyed running around and singing songs with her.  During her stay, we went to the Obon festival in San Jose's Japantown.  We weren't able to enjoy the festivities so much since Kai was in a terrible mood, refused to wear his yukata, most of the food had sold out, the local restaurants were closed, Kai was having a fit and was screaming when we suggested dancing or playing bingo.  Lukas wore his yukata. Good baby.  We'll try again with the kids next year and go on Saturday lunchtime instead of Sunday early dinner.  My mother-in-law OF COURSE had her share of ROSS visits.  She checked out the Hub, Warm Springs, Newark, and Milpitas.  Surprisingly (thank you father-in-law) she did not buy any pillows.  She always comes bearing gifts and japanese food treats filling a suitcase to the brim and leaves with Ross home goods (especially souvenir pillows.)  However, this trip, she actually bought herself 2 dresses! I was very surprised!  We spent one day in Marin visiting our good friends the Giffords (Lukas and Sage met for the first time.)  We walked around Santana Row one day.  We spent many days just relaxing at home.  I'm so lucky that my family is so close by, but I'm grateful every time that Ryuta and our kids get to have time with the family from Japan.

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