Thursday, September 20, 2012

August-- Family Time

August was a crazy busy month for us.  We were fortunate to have lots of visits with family members.

Texan Kearns

My brother's family came out from Texas for a couple of weeks.  Sarah, my SIL, usually makes her way out here with the kids about once a year, but this time, my brother, Ryan, also paid us a visit.  We are averaging an appearance from him about every 3 years.  I told him that I only come out to Texas if I am pregnant or if my kids are little babies.  We'll see when we see each other again!!
My mom got pregnant with my brother when I was 7 months old, so to say the least, I never completely viewed my brother as much younger or smaller than me. He currently towers over my 5'8" frame by 4+ inches.  I also don't feel like my parents treated us as an older and a younger sibling, just girl and boy differences.  I know that I've always wanted to get along with my brother and for us to have a better relationship, but throughout the years, different things got in the way.  Sibling rivalry (at least on my part--always wanting things to be "fair") and over time, difference in the types of friends we hung out with, the culture we identified with, and the religion we chose.  We both chose different paths and it is interesting now as two married adults with two kids, how we still ended up pretty similar despite many things.  My hope as the years loom ahead is that our families can see each other, the cousins can create lots of great memories together, and for my brother and I to love and respect each other, appreciate what we have, and that we can set great examples to our children about how to be friends with your sibling.
Cousins :)
my "lil" brother and our first-born boys

Kai with Andrew & Bailey Boo

G's 80th/"family reunion"

My "G" turned 80!!! Just a couple of weeks earlier, she made a trip out to Colorado to visit Ashley and folks and well, the altitude did a number on my poor G.  She came home in a walker!  It was very surprising to see her walking around the way she did and all of a sudden she seemed so old (sorry, Grams, if you are reading this.)  Thankfully, she is doing much better now and is walking on her own again.  Anyways, to celebrate this landmark year, lots of our scattered family gathered from all over-- Uncle Mahina & Kristen from Portland, the Lundgaards from CO, the Bubnises from SD.  We missed my brother by a few days as well as Justin, but everybody was pretty much there.  It was neat to see all the kids together and to reunite with my cousins.
the cousins: "Generations 2 & 3"

Jenn & gang

That weekend of G's birthday, Uncle Mahina made a quick stop at our house for a night and then Jenn & Josh crashed with us on Saturday night.  It was all so rushed.  Time just passes too quickly.  One second, I am in junior high and Jenn is my best friend in the whole world.  She used to be at my house every day after school, walking home together, singing together the latest song on the radio, reading notes we had passed during school, gossiping about which boy we thought was cute.  Now, we get an hour here or there to sit together and laugh maybe just a handful of times in the year before we are rushed off to take care of our own families.  Anyways, I'm just getting all sentimental now.  But, it was nice to see my cous.
Kai, the dog-lover, with Stanley Bubnis the "dog"
after BBQing with friends (KDPhi reunion): Kai, Kylie, Natalie, Naomi, & Brooke
Brooke is HILARIOUS!! She didn't quite understand how I "fed" Lukas.  She asked, "Does he need a straw to eat?!"

4 Reunions & a Funeral

That SAME weekend (omg can you say emotionally exhausting?! (in good and bad ways..))-- we attended memorial services for my cousins' dad.  It was a terrible way to go and I can do nothing but feel for my cousins.  I thought they gave an honorable and honest service in remembrance of their father.  Both girls really spoke from their hearts and I love them both even more for it.  I feel like when someone passes I never quite have the right words.  I don't know what to say that would provide comfort or insight.  I can only let them know that I am here and that I love them.  I didn't know their father too well, but I care about Ashley and Nicole very much. 
Ashley & mini-me Kory
RIP Steve Caraway.

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