Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Conversations with my young souls

I love their little voices and their young hearts.
I wish I could capture the days. Our conversations, their questions. The soft curves and shape to their little baby cheeks and baby lips. Lukas with his bright doll eyes. His pudgy fingers and Fred Flintstone feet.
I want to try to keep it all written down and recorded because I'm already losing my memory and I'm only 35!
Kai has developed such strong opinions and distinctive interests. I get really really happy when he decides to take an interest in something.
Last weekend, I asked him what he wanted to do. Do you want to go to the big movie theatre and watch a movie? "No." No?! Really? My kid has his own mind. sometimes it intrigues me and sometimes  it drives me crazy.  I've had to learn to love him for him and meet him where's he's at.
So, anyways, currently, Kai is obsessed with a few things: ice age, mammoths, dinosaurs, the solar system, and the Chabot Space Center (we just bought a family membership for his birthday.)
Some cute things I want to remember...
Every night, we need to pray "for the same." This means praying for the asteroids (not to hit the earth and wipe us out like the dinosaurs), the black hole (not to suck us up), and the ozone (to keep our temperature livable). Oh and also that the planets don't smash into each other. 
Lukas has been cute to pray.. "Dear God. Amen!" He has asked to pray for Mr. Tim, the earth, and pizza. :)
Kai was my dear this past Sunday during communion asking questions. I told him the juice was only for the grown ups. Why? So we can remember Jesus. He asked what he could do so that he could remember Jesus too? It really warmed my heart. 
Lukas has been talking more and I love his little voice. The best times are reading or playing or doing art.  He will put his dinosaurs into timeout. He will tell me about his painting as a baby bed with stars.
I'm exhausted. The little one still is a part of our bedroom. My students know about our ninja. Even when I try to rest or relax he comes in and jumps on me, treats me as a "horsey" or honks my nose. I love him so.
What fun to play dinosaurs. 

It's a new school year and I'm still teaching 2nd grade. I actually love it this year and have a really, really wonderful class. I'm in love with this school year.  This is a happy, happy season in my life.
Kai is back to recreating the classroom at home. He has set up a calendar time wall on the easel, sings all the color songs. He said he wants to be a TK teacher when he grows up. :) I think he would be a great teacher because he is an organized, smart guy who likes learning. Although I don't know how interested he is in taking care of or teaching others or how my Kai deals with stress. But we are all works in progress, right?
Kai loves Buck the weasel from Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs. He sometimes wears his eye patch to bed. "The name's Buck. Rule number one..."
For Halloween, we saw an astronaut costume at Costco. Perfect, right? Nope. Want to be Buck? Nope. Well, what do you want to be? (Because I really want my kids to wear costumes!) A mammoth, mommy. 
What?!?? Ahhh. Lukas will be "Rudy" the dinosaur from Ice Age. Luckily, we got to borrow a Dino costume from my friend, Emma.
More pics to come at the end of the month. :)

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