Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's been awhile

Ever since I started this full time working mom thing and Ryuta started being a SAHD/part time student, life has gotten really busy. Really busy!! I realized that no one was documenting our family memories. Now that I'm on my summer vacation, I had a moment to remember our blog and all those things I used to do...like play groups, fun little day trips with the kids, cooking and cleaning.
Here are a few pics to catch us a little up date on the last 6 months:
Saturdays have been my SAHM day while Ryuta is at school. Here is where I get to flex my teacher muscles at home with a little art on a rainy day. I think this was back in February or March?

Let's see.. What else? This pic was sometime during the spring. My kids love donuts! We went on a "donut date" :)
This April, Ryuta took the boys to Japan.  I met up with them during my spring break. We visited family, ate lots of oishii food as usual, watched a lot of Anpanman, and had an awesome time.

Here is Lukas on his 2nd birthday!!! We didn't do a party, but hung out at Chuck E a Cheese with pizza, favorite auntie Laura, the Giffords, and the Lopezs.

Love this kid! Such an angelic doll face...
But looks can be deceiving!! Little angel terrorizes us like a ninja all night!! He's such a pro now that we don't even know when or how he showed up.  It's just been a daily wake up kick to the head..

So far, this summer it's been really cool going to the water park every week, bike rides to Starbucks, small trips to meet friends at the zoo and the park and the movies, music in the park on Thursday nights, but Ryuta and I needed to redeem miles from our cancelled Hawaii trip and were fortunate enough to have babysitting (thanks, mom and dad!!) for 3 days and had an awesome time in Seattle!! We were blessed with free bicycles, beautiful sunshine, good food, and a city so fun to explore.. I'm grateful.
Last summer, Kai was obsessed with the color green and Shrek.  Recently, we watched Despicable Me and Ice Age for the first time and parts of the movies expanded Kai's love of maps and atlases into questions about outer space and the solar system. Kai is still into building and having things a certain way (untouched by his little brother.). He has a good sense of direction and knows about the roads, the freeways, the speed limit, compass directions, the continents.  Now, he is fascinated with the planets and is curious about the mammoths and why animals became extinct and how the earth plates changed Pangaea.  He is my earth scientist/astronomer.  I took him on a date to the Chabot Space Center and he loved it!!! We got to see Venus through a large telescope.
A dear friend, Michelle, has been a faithful and inspiring friend for many for years. It was an answer to many prayers to see her get married this summer on the beach in Carmel!
Here is a picture of our kids yesterday from our personal stylist/their daddy:
I'm thankful to get to slow down and catch my breath after the busy school year.. Ryuta is learning a lot about hair and his interests and seems much happier.  I hope to update this blog more than once a year!!

That's my awesome, handsome stylist (sorry, ladies, he's mine!) giving me new highlights.

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