Tuesday, February 26, 2013

these days

"Baby Godzilla" about to destroy the "city"
I hope that in 20 years this blog site will still work. Sometimes I worry that I should be recording this all down in other places just in case like on a word document or on the original word document, paper & pen. My purpose in recording all of these memories is so that when my kids are grown and gone, I can look back and read these memoirs 20, 30 years later. I can laugh and cry and remember.

So, maybe I should do just that and start recording it in two places for a little backup.

These days..

Kai is almost 3 1/2 and Lukas is almost 9 months. We are really starting to have fun now!!!

Lukas has a new nickname. Baby Godzilla. I taught Kai what that means and he enjoys talking about how his brother is Baby Godzilla and it is his job to eat everything and destroy everything. Kai is the "architect." Seriously. No matter where we are, he will start to build walls and gates and "cities" with whatever "building materials" are available. Lukas is now on the move, rolling and scooting and crawling and pulling himself up. Lukas LOVES his big brother. Whenever Kai comes close or graces his little brother with attention, Lukas is in heaven. He is so expressive about how happy he is, too, which is the cutest. Lukas wants in on the action, too, and can't be left to his own devices. So, now being the mobile Baby Godzilla that he is, Lukas likes to move himself to where Kai is and "play" with all of Kai's walls and cities. I'm hearing a lot more these days of "No, Lukas! Stop touching that, Lukas! No!"

And so it all begins. I made a deal with Kai that if he played in his room, I could guarantee for now that Lukas wouldn't touch his things. However, Kai still insists on playing in "public space." Public space is the family room, kitchen, areas which are for EVERYBODY and I can't stop anyone from touching whatever is in public space. It is interesting to see Kai, too, who is generally Mr. Independent, say, "I need Lukas" or "I want to see Lukas." I think Kai chooses not to play in his room now because (1) he is stubborn and a bit contrary and also (2) I think he wants to be with me and his little brother and doesn't want to play by himself which is kinda nice that he cares to be a little more social now.

A recent conversation I wanted to write down made me laugh for a day or two. Kai knows the difference between boys and girls and I'm teaching him new words about "humans" and people. I think he understands women and men. But it is funny because people, persons, humans, I think he defines as adults and grown-ups. He kept asking me for a few days, "Mommy, are you a person?" One response of his cracked me up. I told him, "Yes, I am, Kai. You are a person, too." "No, mommy. I'm not a person. I'm not human. Because I'm just a boy." Well, there you go.

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