Monday, October 15, 2012

October 13th

This past Saturday was our 7 year "legal" anniversary.  We didn't really do anything at all to celebrate because I was helping out for my old college roommate's baby "non-shower" in SF.  Ryuta took Kai to hang out in Japantown.

Cindra's "non-shower"

My old roomie, Cindy, said she didn't want any gifts or to make any feel like they "had" to buy her any gifts.  Her cousin, Evelyn, and sister, Michelle and I did not feel it was right at all for her not to have a party (at least!) to celebrate the upcoming birth of her first baby.  So, Evelyn & Michelle hooked up the food and I hooked up the decorations and I think Cindy was glad that we forced, I mean encouraged, her to seriously reconsider a celebration!
I originally thought to make nutella cookies.  Fortunately, I wisely decided to do a test run a few days prior.  Thank goodness because they were a disaster!! I made these amazingly delicious mini-brownie cupcakes with strawberry frosting and rasberries.. oh. wow. my waters still just thinking about them.
a wonderful spread from "The Grove"
me & Cin with the view from her roof

7 years and counting...

Every time we have another anniversary (we have two anniversaries, the legal one and the wedding one) I am always amazed that I have been in a relationship as long as this! Wow! 5 years.. Wow...6 years.. WOW. 7 years. SEVEN.  Amazing.  Someone has been willling to try me out for that long.  Someone has been willing to love me and stick it out THAT long.  There is someone in this world that I've also been willing to put myself out there for.  My hope is that our love won't just stand the test of time, but that at the end of this journey, we can look back at our lives, at our children, at our home, at each other, and feel so blessed.  That we can look at one another and KNOW that our connection made a difference.  Every year I am more and more amazed.  It does get harder and harder and takes more and more effort.  At church they were making an announcement for an upcoming marriage retreat and a couple said that the longer you are married, the harder it gets.  Wow.  Why is that?  I guess in some ways it gets better, but it takes work to stay connected.  It takes work to make the other person feel loved, understood, cared for, special.  We were SO exhausted and wiped out after the city.  Ryuta picked up some take-out food and then we just went to bed.  Nothing special at all.  He brought home some roses last night and I made him some anniversary "coupons" to give to him today.  My friend Nadia told me that it isn't too late! 
For those of you who know Ryuta, do you think he'll like this...???
Happy 7 years, my sweets!

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