Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Quiet time"

Overall, I'd say we've been lucky.  Some parents talk about having a rough time getting their kid to sleep through the night and their kid is NOT a baby anymore.  Kai started to sleep in his own room for longer stretches during the night around 2 months and with the exception of teething or travel, he's been awesome at night.  Of course, we've had our share of hiccups with the transition out of the crib and working it out between mommy & daddy how to handle the "situation."
However, Kai has NEVER been an awesome napper.  I could never, ever predict when he'd go down and just had to give myself a designated time and whether he slept or not was upto him.  Over time, we have called this time "quiet time."  After lunch, Kai and I head upstairs and I will read him a story and close his curtains.  I tell him, "Now is your quiet time.  You can read your books, but try to relax and lie down.  You can't leave your room until I come back and say 'All done.'  You call for me if you have poo-poo."  About 70% of the time, he doesn't sleep.  He will read his books.  He will play with whatever toys are available.  He will turn on his radio.  He will go into his closet and start messing things up.  I never expect him to sleep and when he does it turns into a late, long nap and then our bedtime gets tricky.
Since brother Lukas has been here, Kai has started to run into our room at night and wanting to play on our bed.  For "quiet time" he has been running out of his room and it has been a challenge when Lukas has been using that time to feed like crazy.  Lately, Kai has taken to either building his "walls" with blankets and pillows or his latest has been climbing up into Lukas's crib and jumping out.  This past week, I took a few pictures when I'd open the door.  It was always a big surprise what I'd see...

The door was blocked off with a blanket and he is sleeping soundly within the safe confines of his "wall."

The door was blocked by his laundry basket.  He was in the process of rolling up his rug and blankets.

I was SHOCKED to open the door to THIS!  Last night, Ryuta told Kai, "So, I heard you've been climbing into your brother's crib.  Can you show me how you do it?"  Kai demonstrated how he climbs into it and then jumps out.  I'm glad he considered his jump and put a landing pad at the bottom to break his fall. Man. 

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