Lukas Kei Sanui was born at 7:11 PM on Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 weighing 6 lbs 9 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches.
our newest cutie pie in the house |
10 weeks. I love how silly and cute Kai looks! |
28 weeks. Popping! |
32 weeks. Kai is giving his little brother a high-5. :) |
36 weeks. Mother's Day. Feeling awesome. Daddy is already pooped & the day has just begun. LOL |
Week 1 of our new life with 2 boys! |
Overall, it was a super positive experience going through labor and being in the hospital. Ryuta's chances just went way up to have more kids! It was a night and day difference from my memories of Kai being born. This time, the cervadil did not work at all, but I didn't care. I was so grateful to SLEEP that night in the hospital. In the morning, I was still only 1 cm dilated and they gave me another drug that took 4 hours to dilate me. The contractions started to pick up and my mom helped me with my breathing. My mom is such an awesome labor coach. She relaxed me with massages and focused me on my breathing. Thanks so much, mom! After that, it was pitocin time! I started to get a little scared at this point because I didn't want to feel any intense, sudden, sharp pains. I was scared of feeling them break my water. I was scared of how much more it would hurt everytime they would check my cervix. But thank God. The lovely anesthesiologist came to my rescue with my epidural. That part was actually really scary, too. I get really queesy and I'm a big weeny when it comes to needles. The nurses were so wonderful and hugged me and held me and gave me lots of encouragement as the epidural went in. I had to curl into a ball for 15 minutes which is a little difficult when you have a big pregnant belly and are trying to breathe through contractions. I had to tell myself that it would be over soon and I'd feel so much better. When they said to curve my back more, I visualized protecting the baby when I wrapped my arms around my tummy. Once the epidural did its thing (which was quick!) I felt nothing! It was awesome! I looked at my contractions on the computer screen and was like, "Oh yaaaa, I am NOT feeling that! Sweeet!" After the epidural, it was cake to get my cervix checked and have them break my water. Lukas reacted well to the pitocin and it was a smooth wait until pushing time.
When it was nearing pushing time, the doctor checked my cervix and said that I was already at 9-10 cm. She asked if I wanted to push for a long time or just like 10-15 minutes? I said 10 minutes, please. I felt like I was ordering something at a restaurant. She said to let them know when I started to feel any pressure down below and that meant the baby's head was pushing out already. I felt pressure, but wasn't sure because it didn't feel like what they described. Dr. Sarda checked and said that the baby's head was already on its way out!!! The pushing this time was so different. The epidural was still in full force and I felt NOTHING. They had to bring out a mirror so I could see if what my body was doing was pushing him out. It was kinda nasty to see, but it did help. Ryuta did an excellent job this time holding my hand and counting all the way to ten (last time, he'd trail off at 7 and I'd lose my breath.) Dr. Sarda was amazing. I really loved having her because she was very professional and informative, but she was also HILARIOUS. We don't think she even intended to, but during the pushing, she was cracking me up. She told Ryuta that he is not the mom's best friend, but the doctor's best friend because he counted soooo slow. She was a cheerleader during pushing, "C'mon yes yes yes yes! right there!" It was very motivating and funny at the same time. I remember telling her, "I feel like I'm in a sitcom right now. This is NOT reality TV." Seriously, who laughs while pushing out a baby?!
Dr. Sarda-Maduro, the comedian/cheerleader/OB-- LOVE HER!!! <3 |
Goodbye, Washington Hospital. We're going home!! |
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