Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkins and Spock

October was a really fun month.  We took Kai to the pumpkin patch.  He was about the same size as some of the pumpkins!  This month, Kai started walking!  A new side of Kai has been emerging with his new legs.  He toddles about like ET on short legs and he has such pride and confidence and excitement and adventure with his new skill and new perspective on the world.  I love seeing the smile and joy on his face.  However, it has also brought about curiosity and mischief, too!  Today, in the computer room, Kai started knocking all the movies and DVDs on the floor, which was fine.  But, then he walked over to the garbage can and started tossing all the contents on the floor.  I moved it up on the desk and he proceeded to the other can across the room.  After moving that one, he discovered dad's pile of papers on the end table to "sort through." And so on... I am now seeing more and more things that need to be changed around the house with the "new" Kai on the loose.
Kai has gotten really temperamental about how he likes to eat his food.  Some days he is upset if he can't feed himself.  Other days it is fun to get fed by a fork or chopsticks.The banana is no good if it is not on the peel.  Most fruits need to be still attached to the seed and Kai has to feed himself.  If it's not chicken, no thanks.  Throwing my food or sippy cup on the floor is fun.  I love yogurt. Ahhhh... also, we have tried to give Kai real milk and he's been getting better with it.
Kai has been an awesome night-time sleeper, but we STILL have our day-time nap issues.  Still trying to see what works or what time... I really hope Kai will get more consistent before the nap time officially disappears.  I really need that down-time!
It's crazy and I don't know if this is a guy thing, but Kai really needs to learn the meanings of emotions.  For example, mommy is happy.  Kai doesn't care.  Mommy is stern, looks angry, and says NO!  Kai thinks it is the most hilarious thing in the world.  Really funny.  The responses don't always correspond correctly to the correct emotion.  Shouldn't it be "yay!"= laughter and happiness? And anger, sternness= sad?  Most of my 3rd graders seem to cringe at my stern looks and tight discipline, but my 13 month old could care less!
For Halloween, we went to Todd and Veronica's annual pumpkin party.  We went 2 years ago and our yoda pumpkin didn't win the most votes.  I was so determined this year to bust out the big win.  I researched Martha Stewart and other festive websites.  I wanted to stay uniform with our costume theme and made a Spock pumpkin.  We didn't win, but it was still really fun to see our friends.  Kai and his other baby friends had a costume party at our house on Saturday.  Our family dressed up as vulcans!  On Sunday was Kai's first time trick or treating.  I was sooooo interested to see how he would respond or what he would do. Would he just walk away? Would he be scared?  The first house he actually tried to walk into!  After that, he got the hang out standing there and holding out his pumpkin for candy.  We went with Keila, Jacob, Avery, and Berkeley.  Mom and Dad came with us and I was grateful that we all got to experience it together.  The night was complete by coming home to the Giants winning on a black and orange night. :)
Happy birthday, Auntie Cindy!
our little pumpkin
This is fun, daddy!
Ah, he's growing up too fast!
Sanui family at the pumpkin patch
Happy 2nd birthday, Amelie!
Giants win the World Series!!!
I need to scrape the Spock more to show the candle-light.  We didn't win, but guess who did?!
Kai getting into mischief...
Baby Spock! Live long and prosper!
The highly intelligent, logical, non-emotional vulcan family
Captain Kirk, Uhura, and Spock
Trick or Treat!

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