Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4 more months of "baby-hood"

This past Saturday, the oldest baby in our baby group turned one.  Dylan, the leader of the pack, had a BIG, carefully planned, delightful birthday party to celebrate his first year.  Sharon and Alby did an amazing job planning and setting up a special party for their son.  The whole restaurant was CLOSED for the private event and everything was decked out in the monkey theme.  Sharon and Alby even made monkey faces out of fondant to put on each cupcake for the guests.  Monkey balloons, banana cake, monkeys on the gift bags, Dylan even wore a monkey aloha shirt... They thought of everything and even had a play area for the babies and a crafts table for the kids near a TV playing cartoons.
Anyways, it got me to thinking how all of the other babies will soon be turning one, too.  This first year will be over and they technically will not be babies anymore.  All of these firsts for Kai and for us will just be some nice photographs and nice memories.  Kai will get bigger, smarter, more independent.  His pudgy little toes, tiny little hands, baby nose, squishy kissable cheeks will be gone! :(
One of my friends keeps asking me when I'll start planning Kai's first birthday party.  Well, I guess I can say that NOW I have actually started thinking about it.  I know that there are still 4 more months until then, but after this weekend's party, it got me thinking...
Jacob and Kai "partying" it up!! (Don't they look so cute in their party hats?!)
 Happy 1st birthday, Dylan!!
It has been so cute to watch Kai and Keila over the past 8 months. Ryuta and I think that they will be like the girl and boy at the beginning of Up.  Keila will be the more aggressive, talkative one while Kai calmly follows along.  We can see Keila saying to Kai, "You're kinda quiet, kid... but I like you!"
Keila establishing her position in the relationship:

Today Kai is 8 months!!! I can't believe how time is flying by.  Kai is crawling a lot more.  He has started to pull himself up in the pack and play and on his radio flyer wagon.  He is still a mama's boy which drives Ryuta crazy (hehe.) He has been trying more and more foods (apple, banana, pumpkin, pear, apricot, peach, potato, lentils, corn, blueberry, and chicken) and is still a good eater. This month has been a challenge for me to be more consistent with Kai's day-time schedule, especially naps.  Kai has always been a great night-time sleeper, but he was really fighting being and sleeping in his crib during the day.  We may be now just starting to get a good nap routine.

Other than Disney World, we haven't really taken many pictures this month.
When we came home from Disney World, we couldn't resist taking one more Mickey picture of Kai.

Happy 8 month birthday, Kai!!

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