Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6 months... where did the time go?!

A good friend told me that God made all babies to be cute and precious and that everyone would just love to look at them.  In this way, they would always be protected in cases of danger.
There are so many wonderful things about babies... especially our Kai! Kai wakes up with a smile and an excitement for the day.  It is so cute when we hear him stirring in his crib and go in to look at him or to get him up for the day.  As soon as he sees us coming, he starts dancing and kicking his legs wildly with this big, excited smile on his face.  I have so much to learn from him about waking up with such a joy and zest for life! Did we all start off that way?
Also, babies are so quick to forgive.  I might leave the room and Kai will get lonely and sad.  I might not notice right away that his diaper is full..Or, I might not always give him what he wants.. but once you show him a little love, Kai forgets that he was ever sad or angry.  
Anways, happy 6 month birthday, Noah Kai! :) It is amazing that 6 months has passed already. Seriously. Where did the time go?  Wasn't it just yesterday I was stuck to my bed and Kai was sleeping more than awake... Kai was just barely fitting in the preemie onesies and was teeny tiny...
So, since the last update, we got our JC Penny pictures and Kai is just too cute for words. 
I love, love, love his smile!
 In the beginning of March, Kai went on his first airplane ride! Ryan and Sarah were going on a cruise with their friends and mom was going to babysit Andrew.  She had extra miles and so, we got to go, too!  Kai did really well on the plane and didn't need to nurse on take-off or landing.  He either slept or just contently sat on my lap.  Lots of the people said that he was so good and quiet and didn't even notice that he was there. I don't really have pics to show b/c Ryuta took our camera to Japan to take pictures of Mt. Fuji and I don't really get how to get pictures off of my parents' computer.  So, you'll just have to read about our trip or come over to see pics on my parents' computer or just scroll down to look at the next pics..
Houston was nice.  I wished that Ryan and Sarah's ship didn't get delayed on coming back to port.  We didn't get to spend that much time with them, but the time that we had was good.  I really enjoy their company more and more every time I see them and was disappointed that our visit with THEM was short.  That week, mom and I were a bit of team with the two boys.  She mostly looked after Andrew and I stayed with Kai.  Since mom goes out there pretty frequently, I think Andrew felt really comfortable and familiar with her.  He would play with me for a bit, but then, if he'd notice that she was gone, he'd go over to her room to look for her.  It was definitely manageable with the two of us, but I don't know how you moms of 2+ kid do it?! My mom said that you never get to go to the bathroom or take a shower in peace or without interruption. I don't know how it is possible to have toddlers or kids running around with a baby.  But, I do see how having a sibling is a very good thing. Andrew and Kai are both the first kids and as of now, the only kids in their households.  So, for now, they don't need to learn to share and they have no need for peers because this is the only life so far that they know.  They only need their moms and dads and their food and to be entertained with their own things and toys and clothes and need their sleep.  I saw on the trip how hard it might be for me, but also, made me think a lot about Kai and our family.  Kai will have a younger sibling to take care of and protect and play with.  He will learn how to share.  He will learn how to interact and communicate.  He will learn how to share his clothes (if we have a boy), his toys, his attention.  I also think that if we have another child and when that child gets older, it MIGHT possibly be easier because they can run around and play with Kai and I don't have to worry about the baby being trampled on and fallen on by a toddler.  Anways, those were my thoughts as I watched the two boys.  Andrew is getting much bigger and he is just like his parents-- tall and skinny! I am hoping that Andrew and Kai will be able to see each other as they grow up and to be friends.
Actually, I figured out how to post these from the pics on mom and dad's computer:
 This past month, Kai has learned how to roll onto his stomach.  He's actually really good at it, but he hasn't yet quite mastered the art of rolling back.  The first few days he was really frustrated because he would roll onto his stomach and then he'd be "stuck."  It was hard when he'd roll onto his tummy at night. Ryuta would have to go in and check and roll him back.
Kai is getting stronger and bigger everyday. He loves jumping in his jumper and playing with all the gadgets on it.  He is getting better at sitting up and it is so cute to see him topple face-down (on the bed.)
We took Kai on a walk and tried out the baby bucket swings at the playground. He loved it! (especially when we made the rollercoaster sound effects.. wheeee!!!!)

Kai also started eating baby food.  We made a first attempt with rice cereal mixed with formula, but he totally hated it! He was intrigued by the colorful, plastic spoon and wanted to chew on it.  When he realized that there was stuff on it that when in his mouth and it tasted like formula... gggrrroossss! He was not havin' it.  We tried again the week after with expressed milk and he gobbled it down.  This week he'll be trying his first veggie. I'm thinking peas, but we'll see if I can figure out how to make mashed zuccini or mashed green beans.
 Happy 6 month birthday, Noah Kai!

1 comment:

  1. Kai is getting so BIG! I can't believe he's already 6 months.... time flies! I LOVE the pics of him getting a haircut. So handsome! I hope we have a playdate with Noah Kai and Naomi again soon.
