Monday, October 15, 2012


"It's always better when we're together"--Jack Johnson
 I am in love.  Lukas is like his name.  He brings light into our home.  He is Kei, too.  He is our jewel of honor.  He is happiness.  He is bright and social.  He wants to be part of the action and to be with us.  He wants to be involved and wants to smile and bring happiness to us.  I hope that these are qualities that are not just part of being a 4 month-old, but will be qualities of him that will stick. 

Handsome Mr. Dimples
 Our "serious" kid, Kai-kai.  Kai is exploring and testing his world.  What does it mean to be a 3 year-old, to be a big kid?  What do I have control over?  There are so many changes happening in Kai's life right now, from being a big brother, to a new school, to a new school completely in Japanese, to starting potty training.  Kai's favorite word right now is "NO."  He needs to observe something and think about it for awhile before he decides that he's warmed up and ready to jump in.  He is cautious and careful.  The latest thing for him is "organizing."  I've been having a lot of conversations about this about how to deal with my son's "OCD."  How can I parent him and teach him that he needs to compromise and that he can't always have his way, but also respect who he is and love him for him?  I realized that I can put up with my mom's OCD because her way of "organizing" makes sense to me while Kai's way does not.  I'm trying to be patient with him and to teach him and to talk to him.  It is also a process for me, too, to let go of things (although on days he is in school, it does clear my head to clean and organize the house "my way"!)  I had a good talk with the kids' pediatrician about it and she gave me great advice.  She said that God is trying to teach me, too, and to really highlight Kai's strengths.  It is a GOOD thing that Kai is careful.  He is wise to use caution and restraint.  Another quality in him that I hope sticks with him throughout his life is his independence.  He is not easily persuaded and has his own mind, his own style, his own way.  I pray that he will hold onto good ideas like faith and love and be stubborn about those things, no matter what anyone says!  Ryuta's perspective, too, which was helpful is that Kai can be an artist and move to his own music.  I like that.  It reminds me of psalm 139.  God created each one of us special and unique.
For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

On another note, here is a funny recent conversation with Kai at the park: Do you like having a brother?
K: Yes.
Do you want a sister?
K: No.
What is a sister?
K: A girl.  Only boys.  Only me and Lukas. K, mommy?
Go tell your daddy, Kai-kai.

Another conversation today with my son:
Do you like cats?
K: No. Just dogs.
What do you think about getting a pet fish?
K: How about a dog?
What kind of dog do you like?
K: Dalmatians.
You might have to wait awhile for that one, but it is good to dream!

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