Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Snapshots of October

Skyping with the grandparents
Someone started to touch their toes!
Mom's fabuloso birthday
Kai is getting to be such a big boy!  He is in his school PE clothes and carrying his own backpack. :)
Happy 1st birthday, Kory! It was so great to see my wilderness cousin from Colorado.
sweet moments with my guys

History of our Halloween

I love Halloween.  I love the idea of dressing up in costumes.  I love all of the candy!  I love creative jack-o-lanterns.  I love all of the cutesy, pinterest-y ideas for kids.  I'm not into horror or slasher films or the dark, evil things, but I love the kid-friendly version of Halloween.  I like trick-or-treating and seeing who lives behind all of those closed doors down our street. 
Every year, I have enjoyed doing some sort of  theme.  One year, Ryuta and I did a 20s theme. 
2005 (?): Chicago gangster & a flapper girl
Another year,we planned on being a doctor and a patient, but ironically, we both got SICK!
A really fun one was KISS! I will never forget the look on that sweet little trick-or-treater's face as we ran out the door...

2007 (?): party @ the Lopezs
 As 2 became 3, we did a family theme.  Kai was a tennis ball at his first Halloween (we were very, very tired tennis players! haha)
The next year, we did a family Halloween party at our house.  Kai was Spock and we were his vulcan parents.  We even did a Spock pumpkin!  Kai went trick-or-treating for the first time with his pals, Keila, Jacob, Avery, & Berkley.
Last year, Kai borrowed Andrew's costume from the year before and was Mickey Mouse.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was Kai's favorite TV show, so I thought he would be excited.  We were a Mickey Mouse family and I did a Winnie-the-Pooh pumpkin.  Kai did NOT want to wear the costume (especially the ears.)  He dressed as Clark Kent at school.  We went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood with Jacob and Kai was a fireman.  It was funny seeing Jacob try to run into people's homes. :)
This year, I wanted to do a theme again.  At first, I was excited thinking about doing an UP theme since people used to say that Kai looked like Russell.  For some reason, we had bought a vampire costume for Kai on clearance last year the day after Halloween.  I wasn't too excited by the idea of a vampire, but didn't want to waste our purchase.  Too boring.  And then I remembered that we had a little monster outfit for the baby.  Twilight!  A vampire and a werewolf! 
Kai would have NOTHING to do with the cape or a costume.  We had gone to a birthday pumpkin party and when I asked Kai about wearing a costume to that or even to his class Halloween party, he said he wanted to wear a t-shirt.  I ended up buying him a Superman "shirt" from Target that had a cape attached. 
I was "Fear the Beard" Wilson in honor of our Giants World Series champions.  We went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood with the Pons family.  Kai was pretty excited to get candy!
Our happy monster's first halloween
Next year, I will ask Kai what HE wants to be.  Hopefully, he will be willing to wear SOMETHING.  Happy Halloween!
Here are some theme ideas I like--
Village people, sushi, anpanman, star wars, wizard of oz, mary poppins, willy wonka, circus, zoo, the grinch, guns n roses, famous artists, toy story, ninja turtles, alice in wondrland, the incredibles, bums..