Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mr. Independent

Sometimes words just can't truly describe it...

Video at Astronaut control center

Kai LOVED all the buttons!!!!!!!!

Funny video from Christmas

I think I already mentioned, but Kai had a blast at Christmas with all of his cousins... :)

Pictures from Habitot

The water area was awesome! Kai didn't want to leave it.  He kept escaping from us and trying to run back here...
Yay for lunch!
Our astronaut hard at work in the control center
Mama & astro boy
LOVE <3 his sweet smile...

Our 16 month-old toddler boy

Working mama?
Today Kai is 16 months.  It is amazing, scary, wonderful, tiring, and everything, to watch him grow up.  I have gotten calls to go back to work, but have turned them down.  I'm not sure when I will go back to the classroom.  It's strange that I feel this way because I never thought I'd be a stay-at-home mom or that I'd actually feel satisfied with it.  I think it must have come from all the praying during pregnancy for contentment and being okay with whatever would be best for our family.  There are definitely days and weeks that are hard.  Especially the grouchy, fussy, whiny, sick days.  Especially the days we look outside and it is raining and we are stuck!  Especially the days that are sunny and beautiful, but we are sick.  But, overall, I'm grateful that I get to be the one to see Kai in the morning when he is awake, alert, happy, and at his best.  I get to be there and see it and I understand that it is a luxury.  End of November, early December, I subbed a few days and learned how all my energy poured into that work day and when I got home,  I was happy to see Kai, but I had already given away my energy to someone else.  I just wanted to crash on the sofa and vegge in front of the TV.  I respect the moms out there who have to work and still have something to give at the end of the day to their kids!
Baby Scarlett
During the holidays, a co-worker started posting on facebook and writing a blog about their baby girl Scarlett.  At her 2 month appointment, the doctors caught that she had a growing cancerous tumor on her brain.  I followed it daily and cried.  When Kai and I pray at night, we'd pray for Scarlett, and her family, and the doctors.  Their hardship brought about lots of prayers from many people, a miracle (her surgeries were a success!), and my own gratitude that my son can be healthy.  You just never know what the future may bring or that one day you or someone you love could be diagnosed with something scary.  I am still following their blog and keeping up with Scarlett's health.  Scarlett's story is one of a fighter and of miracles and of their parents' love. This is their blog:
Happy New Year!  It is 2011 now.  Some of my resolutions and goals for this year that I'm working on are: (1) start exercising again (so far, I've been starting a habit of going every Thursday), (2) to fight for my faith and for my friendships, to perservere with my friends when they are going through something hard, (3) to work on being a better listener.  I also told Ryuta that I'd like to work on being a more inviting and welcoming person, that people feel welcomed into our lives and into our home.  It's been interesting to ask other people what their resolutions are... Some responses-- "None."  "I stopped making resolutions."  "I don't make resolutions because if I see something that I need to do, I just do it."  My brother said that if I have goals, it is best to write it down and put it in a place where you can see it.  I think about this scripture:
Deuteronomy 6:6-9  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
I can be a very forgetful person and I always tell Ryuta that if he needs me to do something, he needs to write it down.  I have to SEE it and read it or I forget.  I've been trying to write down in my journal everyday about things I'm grateful to God for, things I need to work on, things that worry me, and also my goals so that I don't forget.  Our preacher, Scott, when he talked about resolutions said that another friend told him-- "Don't make a resolution.  Make it a conviction."  I guess it is like what they say about dieting and weight loss.  It has to be a total lifestyle change.
Over the past month, we have spent 3/4 of it, SICK!  Last week, the sun was shining, Kai seemed okay and healthy... so I totally took advantage of it and went a little crazy.  We went out every single day and met up with someone everyday.  By Friday, Kai was sick again. :(
One sick day, I thought, "When I was a kid, what did I like about staying home and being sick?"  Well, I like staying in my PJs, eating my favorite foods, being cozy on the couch, and watching TV and movies all day.  So, I thought Kai would like that.  Wrong.  I put in 101 Dalmations (his first movie) because I thought he'd appreciate the puppies.  Kai was so upset.  I don't know if it was the wrong the movie or just that he had to play by himself while mama watched the movie in her PJs on the sofa!
I don't know if it's been his teething (we're at 7 teeth now) or the sicknesses, OR that Kai is just totally sick of the same foods, but Kai doesn't want to eat his "favorite foods."  Chicken has lost its appeal.  His favorite veggies are okay, but he's not totally loving it.  Kai's favorite foods this month have been cereal (not the baby kind) and fruit.  I'm learning how to be disciplined and how to not get swayed by his crying.  He can't just eat whatever he wants or he'll be starting some really bad eating habits.  We have to be okay with him skipping a meal if he won't eat what is offered.  It is hard.  You just want to see them eat and be happy..
Kai still isn't really talking or saying words.  He can sign for milk, more, all done, dog, bye-bye, and he understands eat, drink, and I think he understands what we are saying to him.  Sometimes I worry and other times I just have to understand that everyone develops differently. Boys can be slower verbally.  Kai IS good at puzzles and building things with his blocks.  He still loves books and being read to.  We've been spending more time with family and Kai is getting more comfortable having lots of different people at our house.  This past weekend, my uncle was in town for his buddy Dave's birthday.  The whole family got dressed up and had a surprise party for him.  This was Kai's 2nd time being babysat by a non-family member.  The Giffords babysat him and he (and they.. thanks, guys!) did great! Kai also really loves animals.  Whenever he sees an animal, he starts tapping his leg signing "dog" and making this happy dog panting sound.  Kai has been throwing more tantrums lately and I question whether he is being spoiled too much or he is just stubborn and strong-willed.  But deep down, he is still my sweetheart and my gentle boy.
Okay. That's it for now. Over and out. Until next time...