Tuesday, July 27, 2010

June July Videos II

Here's a compilation of recent video clips of Kai...laughing, crying, talking, eating, crawling, climbing, etc.

videos! at last!

I FINALLY figured out how to post videos! YAY!
Here are some flip videos of Kai...
Ryuta's birthday: We went into San Francisco and had a picnic at Crissy Fields near the Golden Gate bridge. Then, korean dinner with Yohei, Katie, and Keila.  After, we stopped by NOVA at Suju's and I surprised Ryuta the open mic with a surprise birthday rap.

Kai at 10 months

It is strange that in 2 more months Kai will be trying cake for the first time.  We have been trying to be so careful about giving him healthy, all-natural foods.. and soon, he will try CAKE! For now, he is trying more "real" solids like chunks of banana, peaches and plums, stews, cheese, egg, yogurt.
At the beginning of the month (actually 4th of July) Kai got his first fever.  It was quite an adventure for the 2 of us.  Poor little guy woke up burning hot and lethargic.  He just wasn't himself and wanted to just eat, sleep, and be held all day.  It was a Sunday, so Kai had his mama and his papa to give him some love.  The rest of the week was recovering and then getting a cold.  By the next week, he was all better, but boy was I ready to get out of the house...
Movin' and Shakin'
Kai has been crawling around more and more and FAST.  He is able to climb the stairs now... FAST.  He is pulling up and standing in his crib and with all the furniture.  If given the chance, he just loves to explore.  He especially likes to dig through the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen.  If it looks like it is not made for babies, Kai loves it. Good lord-- HELP!
"Look at me stand!"
"Whatcha doin, daddy?"

Summertime of Swimming
This month of July has been another busy month.  Kai has gone swimming a few times.  He loves to splash around in the pool.  Some girls from our high school babies group took their babies to a baby swim class at Clubsport.  They said that they dunked their little ones, so I tried it, too.  Kai did NOT like it one bit, but I think it is good for him to get his face wet.
Hanging with Tutu at the pool...
Keila came over to our house for her first dip in the pool.  It was a hot day, so we let them crawl around in their diapers.  The two of them looked so sweet and cute.
Babies and Mamas
Oooh, cell phone....

Kai's First Trip to the Zoo
We took Kai to the Oakland zoo for the first time and met up with the Price family, Bryan, Manal, and Zavin.  For the most part, I'm not so sure he really noticed any of the animals.  We would be looking at the tiger or bear and Kai would be looking in the opposite direction at a bush or a tree.  Oh well... we had a nice time anyways.
The Oakland Zoo
Our little monkey hanging out on daddy's shoulders
Family picture at the zoo
Price family picture at the zoo
"Wake up and see the giraffes, Kai kai!"
Kai's First Obon Matsuri
Ryuta's family sent Kai some yukatas (summer kimono.)  The only really fun thing during the summer in Japan are the matsuri (festivals.)  Everyone will dress up in yukata, eat festival food from the vendors, dance the obon dance, maybe hear some taiko drums, see some fireworks, play some silly kids' games.  We went with the Fukudas to San Jose Japantown for Kai and Keila's first obon matsuri.  They looked so cute in their little baby yukatas!  We ate some food and played some bingo.  We only spent $2 and we WON! It was my first time ever winning at bingo.  It was pretty exciting.  We got Kai a bowling set from the prize table.
Kai with papi
Kai and Keila in their yukata
Babies and papas

 WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!

 Family day trip to SF
Mom and dad have museum membership.  The Musee D'Orsay in Paris is currently shut down for renovations and have lent some of their exhibits to the DeYoung museum.  I had gone once to the D'Orsay in Paris and was blown away by all the familiar impressionist art collections like Monet, Manet, Van Gogh, Toulousse Lautrec, Renoir, etc.  We went up to San Francisco to see the art exhibit.  After, we went to a nearby park and had a picnic in the grass under the trees.  It was a beautiful day.
At the museum

"Bye bye!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

9 months and time is flying!!

Kai is 9 months now and he is a boy on the move, a man on a mission.  This month, Kai has been crawling (and FAST!)  He started pulling himself up to standing and even cruises while holding onto furniture.  It is wonderful to see him exploring and curious about EVERYTHING around him.  We've been spending more time baby-proofing the house more and more and more.. This month was Kai's first time going into the baby class at church.  He did really well his first time and didn't cry at all.  It was good to see him being independent.
Kai had his 9 month appointment and his growth definitely slowed down since his 6 month.  He's on the short and light side which I find incredible.  I seriously can't imagine the babies who are on the large side because Kai seems so big and heavy to me now.  He has definitely trimmed down from all his crawling about and has lost a lot of the chunk from his cheeks.  The triple chin is turning into a slight double/single chin.  Kai also has just started to babble and says "Dada."  Ryuta is really happy that Kai's first word is dada. :)
Our little boy gets really happy to see us, but it is interesting to see who he has decided he likes and feels comfortable with.  He has already started forming opinions about people and what is comfortable for him.  I sometimes wonder about him-- if he is hard of hearing or has "selective" hearing.  He gets set on looking at something and won't always respond.  Kai is a calm, relaxed, gentle boy who opens up when he feels like it.  He can be serious at times and doesn't always feel like smiling.  I wonder if he gets that from me.  If I could figure out why blogspot won't allow me to post videos, I have some funny videos of his "camera shyness."  Kai grabs certain objects and doesn't want to let go.  He will crawl all around and refuses to let go of whatever it is.  If it is the end of the day and he is tired, it is really upsetting if he doesn't get to hold that precious something.  I'm hoping that he doesn't develop a temper.
Kai is still a great eater.  So far, he has eaten everything I've given him.  It usually takes a time or two for him to decide if he likes it or to think about it and then he'll dig in and eat everything.  I've found that mixing fruit into everything really helps, too.
Oh, what a long day...

We celebrated Ryuta's birthday on June 5th.  It was such a great day. We went into San Francisco, visited Mike and Cindy's new place (amazing), had a bento picnic at Crissy field near Golden Gate.  Then, we had some korean bbq with the Fukudas.  After, we stopped by Suju's to watch some musical performances and I surprised Ryuta at the open mic with a "rap" I wrote for him.  I had some friendly back-up from Nadia, Luis, and Katie. Ryuta was surprised and I think he was encouraged.
At Suju's NOVA open mic nite with the Fukudas
My cousin, Jacie, graduated from high school and we went down to San Jose to celebrate.  It seems like all of the cousins are pretty much grown up now.. There's just Monica and the kids of cousins left..
Kai with Jacie (the grad) and Tay
Kai had two more haircuts this month.  He has SO MUCH hair!! It's kind of crazy trying to cut it because he jerks his head around so much.  But, I'm grateful that he has hair.  It is fun to play around with it..
Our little Elvis man
Jenn and the fam came up from SD to stay with us one weekend for a funeral.  The first morning, Risa and Brooke were screaming.  Risa said that they were being noisy on purpose because they wanted to wake Kai up because they were just sooo excited to see him.  I told them that I wouldn't get him until 8:00.  The girls were so funny.  They just couldn't wait to play with their baby cousin.
Waiting for Kai to get up to play...
Storytime with Jenn
My old sorority sisters/college friends, Judy and Kat, both live in the bay area with their families.  After MANY e-mails to get together and to firm down a date, we finally got together at Judy's house for bbq (really yummy kalbi) and the kiddies playing in the baby pool.  Unfortunately, as you can see, Kai did not really like being in the pool.  I don't know if it was being naked in front of everyone (our modest boy) or that he is scared of water or of the girls or being splashed water on.. Natalie, Kylie, and Naomi had a blast.  It was cool to see everyone and see the babies playing together.  The day would have been even better if the US team won their World Cup match.
I don't like being naked in the baby pool with girls, mom!!!
This summer, we're trying to get out of the house more to visit with people, go for walks, and swim.  We went this past weekend to go swimming at the tennis club.  Kai did really well in the water.  He was cautious at first and really didn't want to get water splashed on his face, but he started relaxing and kicking around in the water.
Swimming in the big pool with mama is fun!
It is so interesting to watch Kai with his baby friends, Jacob and Keila.  They are SO much more interactive with each other, grabbing at each other and grabbing for toys together.  Long are the days of just lying on the rug in a circle while the moms ate cookies and brownies...
Being busy bees: Kai with his buds, Jacob and Keila
Mama and Kai, the camera shy cutie 
Family picture at the Jerdee house for a BBQ.. Kai still being camera shy