Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life at 4 months

This month has been rainy and cold, so Kai and I have been "bonding" indoors.  He does a lot of squealing to catch my attention or talking to himself.

We try to read a book, sing songs, watch a little youtube Sesame Street, veg out, stare at ourselves in the mirror between naps and feedings.  Kai went to his 4 month well check-up at 17 weeks and his weight went up from the 75th percentile to the 77th percentile and his height from the 15th to the 40th!! He just keeps growing and growing!Look at our little snuggly teddy bear...

One of Kai's new hobbies is shoving as many fingers in his mouth as he can.  So far the record is 3 fingers and 1 thumb.

Something that takes up part of my week is laundry.  I'm glad that we bought LOTS of burp rags and that my son is spoiled with lots of clothing options because he is a SPITTER-UPPER.  Otherwise, I'd probably have to do his wash daily.  Most of his laundry is due to spit-up.
Look what I found in the wash...

Life is good.  I have to remember everyday to be really grateful for what I have.  Little Noah Kai is a beautiful, joyful, healthy boy and Ryuta is so playful and affectionate with him.  Some days I miss teaching and I miss the respect and pride in saying "I'm a teacher." I get reminders from old co-workers that I can always go back to teaching, but I will never get this time back with my son.  I have to cherish these moments.  Kai is growing and changing so quickly even in these few months.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baby Talk video

Kai has been a lot more expressive. Mostly when he lays on the ground, he "talks to himself." It's quite cute to hear his voice since he is generally a quiet, content, little fellow..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Playing peek-a-boo video :)

This past month, Kai has been a lot more interactive, alert, and aware of his surroundings/people around him. It has been fun playing games and singing songs. Some of his favorites are patty-cake, "I'm a Little Teapot" with Tutu, and peek-a-boo. He is smiling and laughing and trying to "talk."

Here is Kai playing peek-a-boo with mommy... (Please disregard the annoying voice of mommy!)