Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A look back at fall.. (November)


November was a time of family and also new beginnings.  The whole family relaxed and grubbed out for Thanksgiving at Auntie Laura's.  Auntie and G bought a big, new house this spring and now we all have a new place for paaarrrrtttaaayyys!!! :) It was great to see everyone together.  That weekend, the Fukudas came up and Kai and Keila had a mini-reunion.  Keila is such a bright cutie pie.  Katie and Yohei have been sending her to a Japanese Montessori school and it is amazing how fluent Keila is in Japanese.  I wish they had something like that here.
Reunited and it feels so good...
New beginnings...
As I type, my dear friend Valerie is probably sitting in the hosptial holding her new baby girl.  But last month, we held a baby shower at our house to celebrate.  I told Valerie that she HAD to have a shower ESPECIALLY have a GIRL! Who doesn't love buying adorable baby girl things?!
It was a really nice time with Valerie and her friends.  Her two friends, Angela and Nicci, helped out tremendously with the food to make it really special.
Afternoon tea with the ladies
Dainty finger sandwiches
"Welcome Baby Girl Jerdee"
A big congrats to the Jerdee family
Another new beginning...
We had known since October, but we finally announced to everyone that we are expecting a little friend for Kai!  The last due date we got is June 11, 2012 and we will find out in January whether Kai will have a little brother or sister.

at 10 weeks... we have been taking pictures weekly-- me, the growing bump, & Kai
first glimpses at the newest Sanui

A look back at fall... (October)

So, the past few months have gone by and I have been really terrible about updating our blog.  Too many other things to think about and work on and yadda yadda, but let's see what has happened since Kai turned TWO?!
Our schedule had just been really jam-packed (or felt that way) with Gymboree once a week, mommy group every other week, Kai's "school" twice a week.  Kai started going at the end of August to CSLOT in Fremont.  It is a center that focuses on speech and occupational therapy, but their group sessions have some of the structure and schedule of a preschool.  They encouraged full-parent participation so that we could learn some of their techniques and also, they felt that 2 year-olds are still young to be so independent from their families.  So, from 10:30-1, we went on Tuesdays and Thursdays to "school."  The morning would start with the kids sitting in their chairs while "teacher" Michelle would read a story and then sing some songs.  After that, the kids would move the chairs to the other side of the room and the music box would turn on while the kids would walk in circles or "dance" to the songs.  This was Kai's least-favorite time.  Maybe it was the claustrophobic feeling or the wild kids who would crash around the room into everyone.. but most days, Kai would cry or cling to me during this time.  By the end, we would just leave the room during that time.  I was always so surprised because Kai LOVES music at Gymboree.  After "dance," the kids would take off their socks and shoes and walk into the play area.  Sometimes the occupational therapist, "teacher" Felicia would lead one of the kids through an obstacle course (slide, balance beam, swing, etc.) while the kids watched.  After a few kids did this, they would all get a free time to play.  Usually, Kai did very well at this and got so much better and confident going down the slide! One of the aids, Michelle, would also help him and support him and I could tell she really enjoyed seeing Kai. She helped him with the slide.  After play-time and shoes back on, the kids would walk to the next room for art.  I really enjoyed that every day they'd prepare a really age-appropriate, cute, seasonal art project.  Kai got much better over the past months at sticking his fingers in glue and playing with play-dough and not getting afraid to get a little messy.  After art, the kids would wash their hands and then, they'd all sit down for lunch. It was always interesting to see what other kids ate and how they ate.  Kai has for the most part been a big eater, eating a lot and for long periods of time.  A few of the kids there ate very little perhaps because they still needed help with chewing and swallowing?However, at "school," he wasn't so interesting in eating his lunch.  Maybe it was the other kids?  Maybe because he knew that toys was next?  After lunch, the teachers would take out some toys onto the carpet, each day a different type of toy.  Some days the toys were all cars with a race track or some days it was play kitchens with all play food.  But usually school days were late lunch days for us and Kai would eat his lunch when we would get home.  After toys was singing and goodbye.  There were some good things that came about that I think Kai learned or grew in... He became more confident getting messy, going down a slide, learning some things like washing his hands and cleaning up and putting his socks and shoes on and off.  I liked the structure of the day, but I had a hard time going to "school." Strange, huh? I LOVE school, but I would dread school days.  I had issues with the main teacher and how cold and robotic and unpersonal she was with everyone.  I had issues with watching the other kids and their parents-- the extreme behavior and meltdowns were draining and watching the lack of discipline from the parents was frustrating.  I felt the atmosphere of the place was a little down because some of the other kids seemed to have more severe issues than Kai, not talking at all or just extreme needs with parents who seemed a little sad or hopeless.  I guess I want Kai to really love going to school and to have positive experiences.  I want him also as a very young child to enjoy his life and I want to enjoy this time with him.  So, basically, we are stopping school, but this fall, Kai went to "school."  I will start researching a good preschool for him for when he turns 3.
Weekend getaway
In October, we were able to get away for a weekend to Monterey/Capitola.  My mom had Marriott points she said we could use and it was a bit like a mini-family getaway.  We walked around Capitola and the Capitola mall and the next day went to the Monterey Bay aquarium.  Kai enjoyed seeing the fish!  I think he REALLY loved sleeping in the hotel with us in the big bed.  Thank goodness it was just one night!
the pier in Capitola
eating dinner at Chili's at the mall.. very, very family-friendly. there was even a balloon artist that night!
so many fish!
We took Kai again to the Ardenwood pumpkin patch to take pictures, see all the pumpkins, climb the haystack pyramid, go through the maze.  We bought him a tiny pumpkin, but the pumpkins at the supermarket are so much cheaper.

on the BIG pumpkin with daddy
Kai is only half my size even though I'm 15 times his age.. I wonder how tall he'll be when he's my age!
We went again to the Singletons' annual pumpkin carving contest.  I was DETERMINED to be victorious.  Last year, Veronica won (which is just wrong, right? since she is the host) Last year we did a Spock/Star Trek theme with our costumes and pumpkin.  This year I wanted to keep to a theme and we did Mickey Mouse/Disney.  Our pooh pumpkin got 2nd and Veronica STILL won again.. ahhh...
Can you pick out the winning pumpkin?
So, I thought it would be cute to make Kai Mickey Mouse year since he LOVES Mickey.  We did Mickey and Minnie for Kai and Keila's birthday party.  Also, we were able to borrow cousin Andrew's costume from last year.
The ears didn't stay on very long... (I think next year we need to steer clear of EARS. That was our issue with SPOCK too!)
the mouse family at our annual family costume party
Clark Kent for "school"
Trick-or-treating in the neighborhood as a fireman
with monkey buddy Jacob