We try to read a book, sing songs, watch a little youtube Sesame Street, veg out, stare at ourselves in the mirror between naps and feedings. Kai went to his 4 month well check-up at 17 weeks and his weight went up from the 75th percentile to the 77th percentile and his height from the 15th to the 40th!! He just keeps growing and growing!Look at our little snuggly teddy bear...
One of Kai's new hobbies is shoving as many fingers in his mouth as he can. So far the record is 3 fingers and 1 thumb.
Something that takes up part of my week is laundry. I'm glad that we bought LOTS of burp rags and that my son is spoiled with lots of clothing options because he is a SPITTER-UPPER. Otherwise, I'd probably have to do his wash daily. Most of his laundry is due to spit-up.
Look what I found in the wash...