Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mama's boy for sure!

I found some pics of me when I was a baby. I was a September baby, too... See the resemblance? :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kai & Keila's first shopping date video

Kai is being a typical dude & wondering, "What am I doing here?" with his Barry Manilow hairstyle while Keila is looking like Dr. Evil and pondering the meaning of life in Newpark mall.

Barry Manilow hair

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our 1st family holiday pics

Costco had a coupon on greeting cards. The expiration date on the coupon was 11-29. I wanted to make sure that we took a holiday pic as a family so that we could use our coupon for our christmas cards. We took a bunch of pictures. My parents are really into photography and took pictures of us. I think this is the first year I couldn't wait for mom to bust out all of her boxes of christmas decorations!
Which one do you like?

Kai looks so pudgy! What a good Santa! haha

So festive..

Kai is waving hi!

Surprisingly, we seemed to like the fireplace pictures the best compared to next to the tree.

Fireman/monkey hat Christmas boy

Steve Urkel Christmas boy

Look at that tummy! Filled with lots and lots of nutritious power milk.

Our special gift..

His two month pic with his bear friends

fall family pic

It was hard to get a good pic of the 3 of us and to get Kai awake and looking at the camera.. Wake up, boy!

Wake up, Kai kai.. it's daytime!


The best part of the holidays this year is not the gifts or the food or the decorations, but being a family and taking lots and lots of pictures to remember all of these precious memories. Happy holidays!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Kai's first steps video

Look at our boy's "first steps"... :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wilderness walk with Keila

Last week, we went on a "wilderness walk" with Katie & Keila. Near Kimber woods near Katie's house, there are horses roaming the hills. We had a fun adventure as we made up stories about this strange "wilderness man" that we saw sitting on the hillside with the animals.

In front of Leeila's house

Yay! We're off for a walk!

Look at the pretty horses

Keila & her mommy, Katie

me, Kai & the horse

Going for a walk amongst the fall foliage

Thanks for the date, Keila!

Happy holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ho ho ho!

Baby friends

This month, Kai has been getting out a lot more & meeting new friends.

We hung out with Regina and her sons, Naveen & Kian. Naveen is almost 3 years old and Kian is 6 months old.

Hanging out with the Dawson boys at the park:

Kian & Kai

At Aydon's first birthday party, he met Manal's son, Zavin. Manal & I had about-the-same due date, but Zavin is 6 days & 22 hours younger.

Kai has been regularly seeing his hospital friend/twin/girlfriend, Keila. Here is Katie & Keila:

Keila & Kai

Some friends from MSJ messaged each other on facebook about getting together since we were all first time moms with little infants. Below is a picture of our baby party-- Sonali's 2 week old, Ayala, Sharon's 5 month old, Dylan, Emily's 3 month old, River, Katie's 6 week old, Keila, & a bunch of yummy cookies & brownies!

Russel from Up

We bought the new Pixar movie, "Up." There is this little pudgy, big-cheeked wilderness scout named Russel. Nadia told me that Kai reminded her of Russel. As we watched the movie the other day, we saw a definite resemblance! :)



Mama's boy? Or like father, like son?

Every time someone meets Kai for the first time, they comment on how he looks exactly like Ryuta. Ryuta loves it and I know that I can feel like I want people to recognize that Kai is MY son & has a resemblance to me. Papi & tutu say that Kai resembles my baby pictures--his eyes, his pudgy cheeks, and big bushy head of hair. I don't think Kai looks like me NOW, but when I was a baby. When Kai is sleeping which is usually what he is doing when people meet him, he looks like Ryuta (b/c Ryuta is infamous for being asleep/sleepy!)
What do you think? (I'll have to find my old baby pics to post later.)

Sleepy Sanui men

With mommy

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tummy time! video

I am trying to remember to give Kai tummy time every day. He spends a few minutes at a time on his tummy and tries to lift his big, chubby head to strengthen his neck muscles. Soon, he will be rolling around.. crawling... ahhh!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kai & Keila video

Kai & Keila

When we were in the hospital, my dad ran into his rotary friend, Leeila. She said that her neighbor was giving birth 2 doors down from me. The mommy, Katie, was hapa japanese like me and the daddy, Yohei, was full japanese like Ryuta. We ended up meeting them in the postpartum rooms (they were 2 doors down from us again.) It was kind of crazy all of the similarities. First, Katie said that the nurses kept calling her "Somer" and she was wondering who Somer was. Katie went to Gomes (but is 3 years younger than me.) They live with her parents, just like us. They named their daughter Keila, which is the girl name we chose, too. We asked them what they would have named their boy if they had one and they said Noah! We exchanged numbers with them and it has been fun getting to know the Fukuda family. :)
Here's our first outting with Kai & Keila at Bay Street Coffee--

Keila & Kai--

Our 2nd get-together-- We met up for lunch at one of my Fremont favorites, Mission Burger. Then, we went to go hang out at the Fukuda house.

Keila & Kai--

That was fun to see the two babies together, the two little 75% Japanese twins. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sleepy smiles video

This is my cutie cutie view after feedings in the middle of the night.. I love his little eye rolls and half asleep half smiles--

Kai & Kylie video

Kai & Kylie

My kdphi sorority lil sis, Judy, had her 2nd daughter 2 weeks before Kai was born. Kylie Moon Dang was born on my birthday, September 11th. Judy always seemed to me to ease into motherhood and it seems so natural to her in how she handles her kids and her home and her kitchen (she can cook really yummy stuff!) Judy and Kylie visited us. It was really nice to see Judy, to hang out with someone during the day, and to feed Kai without feeling weird.
Here is Judy and Kylie.

Kylie was being a little fussy. It looks like she is nudging Kai.

Kai is yawning. hehe

uh-oh.. now they both look upset!

That was fun. I hope that both of our babies will be happy campers on the next visit!